Beginning today, Pawster Nashville is introducing the Monthly Donor Pack. Every monthly donation will go directly to the Pet Wellbeing Fund, to provide vital veterinary care for all dogs and cats in foster care.
Pawster Nashville provides a service called “crisis fostering”: When a pet owner is in crisis, Pawster Nashville places their cat or dog in a foster home, until the owner is back on their feet and ready to be reunited. Crisis fostering keeps pets out of shelters, and it keeps families together.
During their foster stay, every foster dog and cat receives the following veterinary care, as needed:
- Full Wellness Check
- Annual Vaccinations
- Microchip
- Preventative Medicine for Flea, Heartworm and Tick
- Spay/Neuter Surgery
- Treatment for unexpected injury or illness
- Emergency Care

Many pet owners do not have the financial resources to access even the most basic veterinary care. That’s why Pawster makes sure to give every foster dog or cat comprehensive veterinary care during their stay. Veterinary care saves lives by preventing future illness.
Moreover, spay and neuter surgeries help Pawster fulfill its mission to End Pet Homelessness Before It Begins. Animal overpopulation is one of the leading causes of pet homelessness. By ensuring that every Pawster Pet receives a spay or neuter surgery (if they are unaltered), the organization helps keep more pets out of the shelter.
Animal lovers can join Pawster’s efforts to provide vital medical care for foster dogs and cats by “joining the pack” at
Read the full Press Release Below: